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How Do You Handle Homework Struggles? Join My Online Discussion

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I hate homework. I think it contributes to the eroding health of our families.  One couple in Calgary have taken the homework ban to a new level.  The Globe and Mail reports that the two Calgary parents who are lawyers drew up a legal contract with the school banning their children from homework–for life!  This article created such a stir today that the Globe and Mail have asked me to moderate an online chat with readers tomorrow (Nov. 19th) at noon EST.  Catch me here with your comments and questions about the homework battle in your home.

About Alyson

Alyson has been blogging parenting advice for over 15 years. She has been a panelist at BlogWest, Blissdom, #140NYC and more. Her content appears on sites across Canada and the US, but you can read all her own blog posts right here.

More about Alyson

4 Responses to “How Do You Handle Homework Struggles? Join My Online Discussion”

  1. Louise

    I couldn’t agree more with your assertion that homework is unhealthy! There should be no need for children to have homework. I see from what my kids bring home that most of the things they do are simply “make work” things – in other words homework for the sake of homework. It’s ridiculous and really does more harm than good. Now where can I get one of those legal contracts?!

  2. Alyson Schafer

    Thanks for sharing Louise!
    I hope hope you’ll take a moment and share some of your thoughts with the readers of the Globe and Mail either tomorrow live with me, or in their comment area too:

  3. Ipshita Pai

    Its really interesting the issues homework raises.
    I am not a parent as yet but i think the tdsb is working or I am not sure about the homework policy that this school board follows, but it is assigned accordingly per grade.
    E.g. A grade 3 student may have more homework than a student in grade 1 and grade 2.
    I remember watching a show regarding homework and a grandfather called in saying that his grandson was assigned homework in kindergarten.
    Personally, what if a parent is unable to help their son or daughter or children with their homework due to language, what happens then?
    When I become a teacher,I would make time after school for my students to do homework and this way they can get help right away and dont have to necessarily rely on parents helping them
    On the flip side, doesnt homework help students remember what they have studied?

  4. Alyson Schafer

    Hi Ipshita,
    Every school board has a different policy and every school, and teacher varies on their application of the policy so its kinda nutsy that way!
    If re-visiting concepts helps re-inforce them, I’d like to see that happen the next day between the hours of 9 – 3. Its just TOO long of a day!
    Building independent study time into the school day is possible.


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