About Alyson

Alyson has been blogging parenting advice for over 15 years. She has been a panelist at BlogWest, Blissdom, #140NYC and more. Her content appears on sites across Canada and the US, but you can read all her own blog posts right here.

More about Alyson

2 Responses to “Social Media for Kids”

  1. Me

    You know, I hate articles that say “click here to read more” and then have a video…
    especially when the video won’t play on my ipod/blackberry or computer.

    it was probably good information.

  2. Alyson Schafer

    Thanks for sharing that feedback. I do post a lot of videos. I am re-doing my site and will try to make it more user friendly for the hand held device users. Thanks! Alyson


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