April 17th is “Talk With Our Kids About Money Day”
Tags: communication, money, special days / holidaysMoney and sex. Big taboo topics! Most parents agree that its important for their children to develop good financial habits, and that they should start at a young age. Unfortunately, parents also tell me that they don’t know how to go about teaching their kids how to manage money. Well, let me introduce you to CFEE: The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education, a federally chartered, non-partisan, non-profit organization founded in 1974. CFEE has worked collaboratively to created a great curriculum for both schools and parents at home. The resources and activities and games are free and accessible to parents online at www.talkwithourkidsaboutmoney.com. Of course you should talk to you children about money more than once a year, but on the 17th of April, we hope to bring awareness to the great online resource available to parents online during the inaugural “Talk to Our Kids About Money Day”. Check it out, and tell your friends and your children’s teacher!
2 Responses to “April 17th is “Talk With Our Kids About Money Day””
Cheryl Borg
The actual day in Canada this year is April 16 and going forward it will be the third Wednesday in April.
Please check with the CFEE orgsnization if you require further information and contact Carolyn Clark cclark@cfee.org to confirm. Thank you.
Alyson Schafer
Thanks Cheryl!