Are You a “Dadlerian”?
Tags: fatherhood
Recently, one of the dads from my parenting class sent me a little note, and I thought I would share it with you (with his permission of course):
Dadlerian – A term I’ve recently started to use to definitively indicate when the gender of an Adlerian parent is NOT female. This is not intended as a slight to any individual, group or gender but it’s clear that (Adlerian or otherwise) as soon as we begin speaking about parenting or the roles and responsibilities of a parent, we are almost always speaking to or about the mother. Gender-specific language and many of the topics discussed tend to reinforce this. It doesn’t bother me but I’ve noticed that most, if not all, of my male friends tune out when the conversation topic veers toward family and parenting issues. Dadlerian is a fun way to keep guys in the conversation and it’s a great idea for a website. 😉
So what do you think? Are you a “Dadlerian”? And who’s gonna put up the website or Facebook group?
3 Responses to “Are You a “Dadlerian”?”
That’s interesting, considering Adler was a man, after all.
My husband is the “primary caregiver”, being the stay-at-home-dude. It drives him nuts that “parent” usually means “mom”. The cover of this month’s Parents magazine? “Tantrum Tamers for Frustrated Moms”
Cassandra Kostuk
Hooray! What a great idea. I am a parent educator and find it very frustrating that almost all information about parenting is primarily focused on mothers. In preparing for an upcoming parenting workshop I Googled “frazzled father” while looking for an image for our poster. Interestingly, there were NO results and Google prompted me with “Did you mean ‘frazzled mother’?” Does this mean that there is no such thing as an overwhelmed father? I found that very interesting….