Growing Up Online
Tags: communication, family, technology, teensHappy birthday Lucy! My youngest daughter turned 13 this week. Her sister is 14, so that means I have two young women in my home (and might I share, they are impressive people!).
Born in 1994 and 1995, they are iconic examples of children who have “grown up online.” My husband Ken is a recognized pioneer of the Canadian internet, and my parenting business is based around my site. We all have laptops and the house is wireless. We IM each other from floor-to-floor and text message from our phones, and we all play Guitar Hero together. Do we sound strange? Or typical?
Tonight we did something else together. We watched the PBS “Frontline” episode, “Growing Up Online” (PVR’ed, of course).
After the show, we had a great talk about everything we had seen. A nice springboard for important conversations. Where do you stand on this issue?
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