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Thanksgiving Exercise in Gratitude for Your Family

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Appreciation Exercise for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! I hope you enjoy this long weekend and have some nice relaxing family time together. The holiday is about giving thanks, but too often children only hear what is “wrong” with them, and about “problems.” We don’t talk enough about what is going right and what is gratifying about being in our families together and about the joys of our relationships.  We gotta amp that up more! Why not get started this weekend?

At your Thanksgiving dinner, you could go around the table and pose the prompt, “One thing I like about being in this family is……”

You may need to start the ball rolling.  Here are some ideas to get you started:

“One thing I like about being in this family is, we always find a way to make someone laugh when they are down.”

“One thing I like about being in this family is, we always try to get to everyone’s sporting events to cheer them on.”

“One thing I like about being in this family is, we may fight – but we always get over it quickly.”

“One thing I like about being in this family is that we all try hard to see our cousins and family whenever we can.”

“One thing I like about being in this family is, we take vacations in fun places like the beach, where everyone was trying to snorkel together.”

Give it a go. You may find some surprising answers from your children, and it’s sure to make people feel good and thankful!

About Alyson

Alyson has been blogging parenting advice for over 15 years. She has been a panelist at BlogWest, Blissdom, #140NYC and more. Her content appears on sites across Canada and the US, but you can read all her own blog posts right here.

More about Alyson

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