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Top 3 Questions Answered by The Social Family Panelists at Social Media Week

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Kids and Social Media at Social Media Week

This past week, I had the great fun of participating in Social Media Week by sitting on a panel called “ The Social Family” to discuss how social media is impacting our families. The panel moderator, Rebecca Brown of Bunch Family did a great job of shaping a robust conversation with the audience, myself and the other panelists; Brad Moon (aka wiredgeekdad) and Royal Lee (aka education ninja).

Here are the top 3 points that I think every parent would have appreciated hearing:

1. “Mom Mom Mom Mom – When can I get on Facebook?

Many parents hate and fear Facebook. FB guidelines state you must be 13years old to have an account, but kids must younger want to get on this hot social media platform. What is a parent to do? I suggested that the family creates a Facebook page together. This way, nervous parents can learn about Facebook along side their child in a collaborative way. Keep your family site private and only friend your other family members. Your kids can Facebook with their cousins and you can swap family photos with uncles and aunts. With time, experience, and education, parents will feel more comfortable ( and probably fall in love with…) Facebook. As your child ages, and you feel they are competent in the etiquette and safety rules of being on FB, they can graduate to their own page that you can moderate.

2. Gaming – How much is too much? Are they good or bad?

Here is what we decided: Kids love games. Not all games are created equally. Games that seem lame to parents, could well have terrific collaborative and problem solving skills embedded into their design and they are actually wonderful educational tools for children. Other innocent looking games that involve cute pets and so on, can use casino tactics to lure our children into seeking silly rewards that eventually leads to parents pulling out their pocket books to make online pet food purchase so beloved fluffy won’t famish! Some games promote values that you might find abhorrent (consumerism, sexism, violence, etc..) Know the games your children are playing and don’t just scrutinize them – actually play those games with them! This is the new sandbox. The real on-line predator you have to watch for is corporate advertising. Advertising to children is a $15 billion dollar industry. And advertising works… just saying…

3. Hand Helds and Mobile App. How do we keep parental control?

The ole parenting rule of keeping the internet on the family PC in the living room where it can be supervised has gone the way of the Dodo bird. The integration and imbedded nature of apps means they are everywhere. I shared my opinion that parents today have to embrace technology. Like it or not! (FYI, I was recently in St Jacobs ON, and I saw several old order Mennonite moms in their traditional dark print dresses, aprons and bonnets – yup, you guessed it – talking cell phones!) Parenting by definition is the job of preparing our children to join the larger culture. Just as we have to teach them good health and eating habits, we must teach them about technology, on line etiquette and safety. It’s our parenting responsibility now. It’s no longer a choice. Confiscation, blocking, unplugging, and other parentally imposed firewalls will not work in the long run. Children’s desire for the forbidden will have them craving all that much more. Imposed control tactics also miss the teachable lessons which are actually easier and more enduring when you start with younger children. Parental spy ware and locks creates an antagonistic “us against them” mentality between parent and child. Imposed controls promotes cheating, lying and work arounds. After all, if you have already been deemed guilty, you might as well enjoy the crime now! Yes, there are age appropriate devises that can ensure your 6 yr old doesn’t accidentally misspell Madonna and end up on a porn site, but lets not avoid the lessons our children really need to learn in the wired world. Life preparation is always better than protection, which leaves children vulnerable.

I hope I have given a fair synopsis, since not all of us agreed on all points at all times!

About Alyson

Alyson has been blogging parenting advice for over 15 years. She has been a panelist at BlogWest, Blissdom, #140NYC and more. Her content appears on sites across Canada and the US, but you can read all her own blog posts right here.

More about Alyson

One Response to “Top 3 Questions Answered by The Social Family Panelists at Social Media Week”

  1. Teaching Kids to Navigate the Internet Is Just Part of Parenting, Says Alyson Schafer at Bunchland

    […] Schafer thinks that of all the topics discussed at the panel, the most important were: […]


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