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World Meningitis Day

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Alyson Is Spokes Person For World Meningitis Day

April 24th is World Meningitis Day, a time to help bring awareness to a terrible disease that especially impacts infants, children and youth.  I have been involved with the campaign to bring awareness to parents about this disease.  My hope is that every parent has the basic facts about meningitis and makes an appointment to speak with their doctor to review their child’s vaccination status.   Like so many other parents, I had assumed my children were protected because all the tick boxes were marked on their immunization card.  I didn’t know that my children could be symptom free and healthy, yet carrying germs that could prove fatal to another.   Here is a short video with some highlights you should know.  Take 3 minutes now to learn about this disease that can claim a life within 24 hours of the first onset of symptoms.

Click on this link or the image below to watch on YouTube

Screen Shot 2013-04-24 at 8.09.54 AM

About Alyson

Alyson has been blogging parenting advice for over 15 years. She has been a panelist at BlogWest, Blissdom, #140NYC and more. Her content appears on sites across Canada and the US, but you can read all her own blog posts right here.

More about Alyson

One Response to “World Meningitis Day”

  1. Cee

    This video does not teach parents even one thing about meningitis. Waste of 3 minutes.


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